02 July 2012

The Dream Dynasty

The Dream Dynasty – Focusing on the Dream in Education
By Brian V Moore – Managing Director
Celebrating Humanity International
Diversity Management, Communication, Learning and Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists.

In 2001 Arthie and I met the wonderful Principal of a Charter School in the USA, his name is Ralph Taylor. He called himself the Dean of Dreams. This wonderful man inspired us with his vision to build the dreams of learners, in his school – Times Squared Academy - Providence, RI.

Charter schools are private public partnerships to build schools that fit between private and public schools.  Interested role-players   are asked to create a model of a school that will ensure excellent education opportunities for learners   who cannot afford a private education.

The Times Squared Academy started off as a middle school, which focused on engineering, sciences and technology and at risk (under-privileged inner city) children. Very few such youngsters find themselves working in these fields. 

(The student body attending TIMES² Academy is comprised of the following demographics - 48% Latino, 37% African American, 11% white, 2% Native American and 2% Asian.  Additionally, 78% of our students and their families are at or below the poverty level and receive free or reduced lunch.)

The United States Department of Education - pays charter schools the normal national fee per child. In 2001 it was US$ 7000. They then monitor the schools to see if they live up to their promises.

Ralph Taylor invited us to work and stay with him, when we were in the USA attending an Accelerated Learning course during early 2001.

We then created this model and structure for the Dream Dynasty for his school.

This is a huge opportunity for schools around the world to completely transform the way in which learning, teachers and learners are focused, and to create safe, future-focused learning environments for all role-players.

Aims of the Dream Dynasty

To build highly-prepared, well-supported, values-based and mentored dream-focused school leavers – who know what they want from life, know to get want they want and are determined to get it.

To create a safe and empowering learning environment in which learners, educators, support team and parents can grow and develop.

Some of the challenges for learners, who live without dreams or a vision.
  School is often something learners just have to do.
  Average or below average performance.
  They are focused on a “pass.” Anything above a failure will do just fine!
  They have low morale; little enthusiasm and commitment.
  Absenteeism, disrespect, bad attitudes are the norm.
  There is excessive bullying/ vandalism.
  Bored learners become fun seekers – often leading to chemical abuse, vandalism and mischief.

Resultant challenges for these school leavers
  They have no focus or direction.
  They will study anything that comes up. Whatever will keep their parents from complaining.
  Have no idea of what they want when job seeking, “Give me a job – any job.”
  Find themselves in dead-end jobs. (Something they just have to do, for money.)
  They become bored, demoralised and quarrelsome.
  The natural joy of life, power and creativity, that many of these young people have - becomes crushed. 

10 steps towards creating a Dynasty of Dreamers and success stories

Step 1 – Get buy-in at all levels, starting with the Principal and the Department of Education. Create the structure.
Step 2 – Re-focus  all role-players on the Dream.
Step 3 – Involve Educators and support team.
Step 4 – Involve Learners and Parents.
Step 5 – Create a safe, professional, respectful, caring and nurturing learning environment.
Step 6 – Build skills, values, trust and self esteem of role players.
Step 7 – Build their dreams supported by Dream Circles, sponsors, and voluntary mentors.
Step 8 – Maintain the Dream focus.
Step 9 – Monitor, assess, guide and motivate.
Step 10 – Bring back successful dreamers to share with the new dreamers.
Focusing on the Dream

When we focus on the dreams we focus an amazing and positive energy everyone on the futures of learners, parents, teachers, support staff and the Dean of Dreams.
Our principle focus is on the learners, yet as we go along suddenly people who had fallen into day-to-day survival or success – realize that they too have opportunities and they too have dreams and desires.

Dream Role-players, their Titles and Roles

The Dean of Dreams

The Principal. In addition to her normal roles and responsibilities, it is this leader’s role to keep the dreams alive and ensure that the learning environment is safe and uplifting.
Then Dean of Dreams will catalyse parents, teachers, the private and public sectors and society at large, to support the experiences and teaching of dream possibilities to all role-players.

Without values and experience of possibilities dreams cannot be formed. When we were in RI we asked a group of youngsters what the understood by values – one youngster stood and said, “Wal-Mart, has great value.” There was no idea whatsoever of family or personal values.

We asked them to build a model of a mountain. Their creation was a very small hill. Because they had never seen a mountain – they could not create one. Similarly dreams without some prior experience have no foundations, at all.

The Dream Keepers
These are the educators/ teachers. They are named as the Dream Keepers of Science/ Geography etc. It is up to them to facilitate learning in such a way that it always points to the value added to the visions of the learners. They too need to deeply know and understand the background to the futures of their learners.
They have to act in a manner that is in keeping with the values of the school and the role players.

The Dream Support Team
These are the admin team, management team, the canteen staff, security staff and the janitors. Each one has to show their focus on the school, learners and must also to act in a manner that is in keeping with the values of the school and the role players.

Dream Nurturers
The parents and care-givers. Building a dream and educating young people requires incredible commitment from them. It is critical that the values of the learners and the school become a part of the home environment.
Dream Nurturers need to know and understand the learning styles, personality types and dreams of their children. It is up to them to believe in the youngsters and their dreams. Even when the dream focus is suddenly changed in mid-stream, as it normally will.
Their powerful belief and support will ensure their children’s futures.

Dream Guides
Dream Guides are successful role-players – in the many areas of human endeavour who are willing to commit time and energy to building dreams and guiding youngsters to achieve

The Dream Path

The dream path will vary, as time goes by. The foundations must be laid as early as possible, in the learners’ lives.

Grades 1/3 - Dream Starters
It is these formative years where simple values need to be built. In our home, we use two. Good and Kind. “Was that good and kind?” is our response to positive or negative behaviour. Through that the child begins to make decisions about his behaviour. This lays the grounding for choice in behaviour, at an early stage.
Teachers and parents are responsible of keep them and the learning environment safe and nurturing.

The children must experience dream possibilities through stories, parables, videos, plays, site visits and speakers – drawn from parents, business, sports people, community and government.

Grades 4/6 – Dream Seers
It is at this point where the understandings of good and kind are further developed. These young learners begin to take more responsibility for their behaviour with some support from teachers and parents.
The learners, parents and teachers get to know each others’ learning and communication styles.
The parents and teachers are taught how to teach through the various styles with particular focus on the learners.
The learners are slowly taught to take ownership for how they learn and to develop their own particular and effective learning methodologies.
The children continue to experience possibilities through stories, parables, videos, plays, site visits and speakers – drawn from parents, sports people, business, community and government.
They begin to make possible choices – without any pressure from parents or teachers.

Grades 7/8/9 – Dream Weavers
Dream Weavers are given the opportunity to form their own safe values circles, where they decide how the will interact with each other. This enables them to determine how they will and will not behave with each other. The class teacher is party to the agreement and is expected to behave within the same behavioural agreements as the youngsters.
Some of the learners will already be developing and idea of their dreams – and will be able to join dream circles, that focus on their particular area of interests.
The learners still have ongoing experience of dream possibilities through stories, parables, videos, plays, site visits and speakers – drawn from parents, business, sports people, community and government. At this point they are involved in projects – such as model building, experiments, robot building, computer program design etc. And they use their skills and the knowledge they have gained on team expeditions, where their dream keepers expose them to the relevance of their lessons.

Grades 10/11/12 – Dream Catchers
The Dream Catchers, kept safe and interacting through their own peer created and managed values circles, are in now focused Dream Circles. Through the Dream Circles they interact with people with common ideas and purpose, they are mentored by teachers, selected parents, local business people, sports people, community members and government officials.

They form shared study groups focusing on their mutual dreams, discoveries and ideas.
Past learners, successful business people, sports people and public figures are invited to share their start and how they attained success.
They work, play and actually experience their dreams – at the very places that they dream of achieving.

Dedicated Dream Circles.

Learners with similar dreams joining Dream circles that fit their visions of the future. For example those who focus on becoming medical professionals, may follow the processes defined in this graphic.

A safe, nurturing environment
In order to succeed, the dreamers need a nurturing environment which:-
  Removes stress
  Removes bullying
  Builds self esteem
  Shows possibility
  Builds confidence
  Builds ownership, responsibility, motivation and accountability.
  Gives them a reason
  Focuses the learning on them and their dreams.
  Build generations of happy, professional and successful people who live their dreams and values.

Dream Dynasty Values Circle

The Dream Dynasty Values Circle is a peer created and peer managed values structure which allows all role-players to build the environment required.
Creating a Safe Learning Environment

Step 1 - Create an identity, for the class/ grade or Dream Circle that is developing the Values Circle Agreement.
Step 2 – Mutually determine how the group will behave and which behaviours are not acceptable.
Step 3- Manage through the 5 Pillars
Step 4 – Understand that all role-players are guided and must live by, the rules of the values circle.
Step 6 – Clear past interpersonal challenges – face to face.
Step 7 – Commit to the agreement and start afresh.
Step 8. Peer-manage the behaviours and actions of those who break the rules or who behave in a way that deserves to be honoured – through monthly meetings.
Step 9. Refer anyone who continuously breaks the agreements or performs above normal to the Council of Dream Keepers for guidance, discipline or inclusion on the Honours Board.

Equipping the role-players with skills.
It is of utmost importance to equip learners and teachers, with new and relevant skills - thereby enhancing their long-term ability to learn and share. Thus creating a strong ability to dream and envision great possibilities and focuses.
The sooner learners have control over their future, through understanding, skills, ability and their own behaviour management agreement – the sooner they see their own value and become self motivated.

Thus teaching them easy-to-learn relationship, learning skills, negotiation skills the better for them in the pursuit of their dreams. The motivation of their teachers and their parents and the future of our nation depend upon us creating a Dream Dynasty.
Together we can do it.
For more on Learning Styles, please go to http://wayswelearn.blogspot.com.

By Brian V Moore – Managing Director
Celebrating Humanity International
Diversity Management, Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists.
Contact details:
Mobile: +27 (0)79 643 4457. E-mail: brian@africa-dreams.com

Celebrating Humanity International Communication, Leadership, Learning, Diversity, Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists info@africa-dreams.com +27 79 643 4457

24 July 2011

Presentation Styles.

Presenting to people with differing learning and communication styles.

Presentations often are very Auditory, strongly Visual or a combination of the two. Although the latter is better than the first presentation style – a number of people will not participate fully, nor will they be inspired and involved.
An Auditory presenter/ facilitator will often use wordy presentations, or flip chart statements to make their point. 

You will know that they are strong auditory communicators by the cleverness of their words, their stories and examples and the fact that they flip over the pages of their presentations/ flip chart pages once they have spoken of them.

They may be asked to “go back” to previous pages/ slides by visual learners.

They also love to teach by repeating their messages and live by the motto:- “Tell them once, and then tell them again and again.”

Their presentations sound brilliant to strong auditory learners, but can:-
a)    Bore visual learners with long-winded explanations. 
b)   Isolate Kinesthetic (experiential) learners by not physically involving them.
A Visual presenter will use visuals as much as they can. Some will be very detailed and intricate. They will normally display each visual/ flip chart on the walls, as they finish with it. This ensures that there is a long term reference for audience members. Their explanations are often brief and to the point, and they expect people to understand – from the graphic nature of presentation.

Their presentations are visual delights to strong Visual learners but can:-
a)    Isolate auditory learners with their focus on picture lessons and the limited focus on “talking it through.” 
b)   Isolate Kinesthetic (experiential) learners by not physically involving them.
Kinesthetic presenters will often get an example/ sample of the item under discussion, into the hands of the audience members. This ensures that they can touch, feel and experience it. Their words will have to do with the feel and experience. 

Their presentations feel good to strong Visual learners but can:-
a)    Isolate auditory learners with their focus on picture lessons and the limited focus on “talking it through.” 
b)   Isolate Visual Learners by not visually involving them.
The most important part of a strong presentation is to make sure that there is a “mixed grill” in terms of presentation styles.

12 steps to great presentations.
Presentations are verbal, sensory, visual and experiential. We must ensure that delegates have the opportunity to feel, hear, discuss, think, see, experience and intellectualise the lessons and information in the presentations.

1)   Our (not excessively long) speaking portion, must:-
2)   Have visual descriptions using colour words and audio pictures of place and things .
3)   Have heart and sensory words.
4)   Have power words, stories, sayings and examples.
5)   Ask feeling, seeing and hearing questions. How do you feel? Can you see what I am showing you? Do you hear/ understand the process thus far?
6)   Stories, sayings and examples
7)   Use numbered tips, such as: – “7 steps to having a great life.”
8)   And numbered steps to using a product, with step-by-step outcomes.
9)   These must be allied to visual media, graphics and pictures.
10) Actual examples, samples and working models should be distributed around the room, so that those who like to experiment can do so.
11)Copies of the slide show should either be handed out, or displayed on the walls. Anything written, or drawn on a flipchart page should be stuck around the room, on the walls – in order of presentation.
12)Time should be taken for interaction, discussions and for prodding, touching and experimenting with models, samples and examples. This will allow for an active question and answer session.

And a bonus:-
13)There should always be an element of fun in any presentation. 

In this way, everybody is involved. They will all feel as if you are presenting directly to them.

Enjoy. Touch some lives!

Brian Moore

22 July 2011

Celebrating Humanity International Communication, Learning, Diversity, Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists 
+27 79 643 4457

21 June 2011

Learning Styles, Communication Styles and Relationships

Learning Styles, Communication Styles and Relationships
How your learning style affects your relationships and how you can get better results, yourself and with others.
Now that we know that we have a unique learning style, it is important to note that - as a result of that style - we also have unique ways of interacting, communicating, listening and behaving.

This impacts our relationships and our ability to build relationships with others.

Dominantly Visual Learners

They learn easily, see things quickly and find it easy to give their views and vision. They expect you to “get the picture.”

Their challenges are:-
  • Their inability to listen to an extended auditory presentation, or conversation.
  • Their habit of giving their answers, to other people’s problems, before they fully understand the challenge.
  • The speed with which they speak – this comes from the need to share “their picture” – in words. As pictures are formed immediately and words only come out one at a time, this slows down their ability to communicate – hence their need for verbal speed.
  • Their impatience with long speeches from Auditory learners and the time taken by Kinesthetic learners – when answering a question.
 What to do when communicating with a visual learner.

Keep their attention by:-
  • Demonstrating, showing or sharing with them through pictures, diagrams, maps and written instructions – with diagrams, graphics or pictures.
  • Using landmarks, visual and picture words.
  • Being concise and brief with your words, descriptions and conversations.
  • Use emails with an opening overview paragraph – just like a newspaper column. In this way the auditory and visual learners can quickly see if it is relevant to them to go to the next paragraphs - for additional information. Attach pictures and graphics to the email. Refer to another source/ link for any additional information.
  • Dressing smartly and by keeping your environment, workspace or home, tidy and clean. (If you are in a relationship, show them how much you love them, with flowers, dinner in a beautiful setting and always make sure that you look delectable!)
 Dominantly Auditory Learners

They understand fairly easily and simply love to tell their own view of the story – often before you have finished talking. 

If they think that you don’t, or may not understand - they will tell you the same thing – in many different ways. They invariably start telling you everything - right at the beginning. Don’t stop them – they may start their story again!

Their challenges are:-
  • Their inability to listen. They actually prefer the sound of their own voice and will try to take over the conversation.
  • Their habit of giving their answers, to other people’s problems, before they have fully heard the challenge.
  • They have a story with a moral – often very long – for most situations.
  • They often repeat themselves.
  • They love to impress with their grasp of language and will keep on talking as long as there is a listener (victim) to speak to.
  • They disregard pictures and will get you to “tell” them, everything!
What to do when communicating with an Auditory Learner.
  • Make sure that you do not try dominate the floor – tell them what you want to say and give them a time limit to give you their input, or feedback. (They will normally over run their allocated time anyway but there will at least be some time limitation to their “contribution.”)
  • Give them something written or recorded for them to review in their own time.
  • Use parables, quotations, stories and power words in your descriptions.
  • Be prepared to listen.
  •  Use emails with an opening overview paragraph – just like a newspaper column. In this way the auditory and visual learners can quickly see if it is relevant to them to go to the next paragraphs - for additional information.
 Verbal praise works well for Auditory Learners. Tell them what you like about them. And be prepared to tell them over and over again. (If you are in a relationship, tell them how much you love them. And then tell them again!)

Dominantly Kinesthetic Learners

They understand fairly easily “through doing and like to take time to store the experience. They seldom express their feelings, or input - unless comfortable with the people in the group.

As observers, doers and listeners – they are in touch with everything going on around them.

Their challenges are:-
  • The time that they take to come up with an answer to a question. This can put them under a lot of pressure. As they learn dominantly through doing and experience they refer to experiences for answers. This can take some time – and is very frustrating for visual and auditory learners. Visual learners normally pressure them for a “quick” answer and auditory learners will keep on repeating the question in different ways – until they get an answer!
  • Their inability to speak up – or say “no”, when asked to perform a task or do a favour.
  • Their habit of talking to people they are comfortable with about their problems with other people. This never resolves the issue.
What to do when communicating with a Kinesthetic Learner.
  • Make sure that you do not shout or embarrass them in any way. This will “hurt” them and they will not speak, participate or feel like working. (If we get our tone wrong - our highly kinesthetic 5 year old son says “You hurted my heart!” And then runs away and hides! This is equally true of Kinesthetic adults – they emotionally hide, when hurt.)
  • Make sure you make them feel safe and good about themselves.
  •  Let them get hands on experience to ensure long term retention and skills development.
  •  Step by step games, plays and movement are keys to transferring knowledge.
  •  Be prepared to empathise.
  • Use feeling words and warmth in chats and documents.
  • Use emails with an opening overview paragraph – just like a newspaper column.
  • A pat on the back or warm praise works well for Kinesthetic Learners. They must feel that you care and to feel safe. (If you are in a relationship, a hug works far better than flowers or love poems!)
Visual Auditory.

This combination of VA means that you have a person who is good with words, says what they want to and looks for the answers through pictures and words. They have little challenges in communicating, teaching, presenting, or learning – but can be a bit too straightforward, at times.

When Kinesthetic meets Visual (VK or KV)
  • VK - the more visual – the faster the speech and the easier it is for the VK to communicate.
  • KV - The more kinesthetic – the less likely they will speak up when “emotionally” injured. They will most often store their upsets – until they form the basis of an explosion. In the interim they may talk to people they trust and feel safe with. When they finally explode it will come out at loud and at high-speed. Once they have fully revealed their feelings, they will happily move on. 
They often do not take into account the damage, their explosion as caused in their relationships. “Oh I am so glad I spoke to you about this!”

They may not remember all of the details of the arguments/ explanations. As long as the big picture is removed from their hearts – they will be happy.

When Kinesthetic meets Auditory (AK or KA).
  • AK – The more Auditory, the more easy it is for an AK to speak up. They will explain and explain the issues – to whosoever will listen - because their “story” runs around in their heads for a long time.
  • KA – The more Kinesthetic the less easy it is for a KA to move on from a perceived or real emotional “injury.” They too will most often store their upsets – until they form the basis of an explosion. In the interim they may talk to as many people as they can - who they trust and feel safe with.

When they explode they will have a heated verbal go at the latest “perpetrator.” 

They begin their stories from the first time that they felt this “pain.” They will then remember and bring up everything similar that has happened in their lives. They will repeat their stories ad infinitum – to their trusted friends and the “perpetrator – now victim!”

They often go back, again and again until the pain has left their “hurted” heart! And if the person they are angry with raises any other issues the AK/ KA will have many examples of associated stories to justify their anger.

Often they feel bad about their behaviour and have to go back and apologise. At this point – do not be surprised if they start giving lots of historical reasons for their behaviour!

What we can do to Prevent such Communication disasters.

If you are strongly Kinesthetic - it is critical to learn to speak up, when you are not comfortable with the way that you are being treated. 9 times out of 10, this will NOT upset the person you are speaking to. What will hurt them will be the shock explosion, that comes from your own inability to get uncomfortable issues out of the way. 

Talk clearly, openly and with respect. If you cannot change the situation, or are faced with a perennial abuser – move on. You do not deserve to be stuck in an abusive relationship. Nor do you need to become the abuser - when you are stretched to your emotional limit.

If you are strongly Visual – and/ or Auditory make sure that you listen more carefully. Do not say everything that comes into your mind - without thinking of the human being in front of you. Adjust your tone and attitude, to suit them.

If you are very Auditory - respect the fact that other people are also intelligent. Reduce the number of ways that you use to explain “things.” Ask more questions, listen more and don’t talk so much. Use pictures for the Visual and models for the Kinesthetic learners.

Visual Learners may need to use more words, than they want to use – with Auditory learners and exercise patience when waiting for answers from Kinesthetic learners.

 It always helps if you draw a picture of the conversation (block diagram), to keep your attention focused on the talker and what they have to say.

Please comment and add your input. We will be delighted if you share this blog.


Brian V Moore and Arthie Moore - Copyright
29 June 2011
Celebrating Humanity International Communication, Learning, Diversity, Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists
+27 79 643 4457

17 June 2011

How to Assess Learning Styles.

Learning Styles and Communication Styles
How to assess the learning styles
of your family, your child, your child’s teacher, your clients and your friends.
Each person’s learning style is unique and perfect, as it is.
We can all improve our communication, learning/ teaching ability and relationships through simple observation techniques – and by choosing our behaviour and communication methods. This is based in observing your student, family members, teacher, client, friend and noting their:-

1.    Speed of speech. How fast, how much, or how thoughtfully they talk.
2.    Vocabulary. The words that they use.
3.    Directions. How they give directions.
4.    Physical Involvement. Their hand and body movement
5.    Eye Movement. Most importantly - how their eyes move, when they have to think.

When we do this we can assess their natural and preferred learning style. This is made up of a combination of learning through seeing, doing, telling and listening.

Our dominant learning style, and theirs, normally determines how we communicate. Understanding ourselves and our subject show us how best to teach and to learn – and gives us the keys to communicating concepts, visions, messages and presentations to individuals - and to groups.

We all have very unique learning styles, which are made up of varying levels of Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic learning preferences, however when we find the dominant aspects within a person’s learning style, we can focus more on those.

With these keys we are able to take charge of the communication that we share or receive, by making simple adjustments in the way in which we communicate with individuals and groups of people – and by taking charge of the way in which others communicate with us.

Basic Learning Styles
We all learn through a combination of the 3 basic learning styles. In each of us certain aspects are stronger than others.

Basic Learning Styles Overview Descriptions
Seeing and Reading
Listening and Speaking
Touching and Doing

The basic learning styles are (V) Visual, (A) Auditory, (K) Kinesthetic.

Basic Combinations/ Dominant Learning Styles

Seeing and Reading
Listening and Speaking
Listening and Speaking
Touching and Doing
Seeing and Reading
Touching and Doing

Basic combinations are (VA) Visual Auditory, (KV) Kinesthetic Visual and (AK) Auditory Kinesthetic.

·         Visual learners learn, share and receive best through pictures, photographs and visual displays.

·         Auditory learners learn and receive best through hearing and talking. They share best through words.

·         Kinesthetic learners learn and receive best through doing and experiencing and share best when demonstrating processes and ideas.

The impact

The way we learn impacts our:
  1. Study Methods and Teaching Style 
  2.  Sales Techniques 
  3. Presentation  and Public Speaking Style 
  4.  Coaching and mentoring methods 
  5. Ability to Retain and Share information 
  6.  Results in exams, presentations, sales opportunities. 
  7.  Communication Style 
  8.  Behaviours, Relationships 
  9. And our Future.
Assessing Learning Styles

If you wish to communicate better with a person - take charge of the conversation and observe.

  1. Ask questions that cause him/her to think. Note: Asking something that they easily have the answer to (like their name) will not reveal any signs. 
  2. When they answer a question, ask another. Use open questions to get them to think even deeper. (Eg. “Why did you like him?”, “What made you choose that outfit.”). The signs will become more apparent. 
  3. Ask them for directions from one point to another, in an area that they know reasonably well.
  4. Watch the direction of their eye movements, as they reflect upon the answers. 
  5.  Listen to their answers. Note the words they use and the speed of their speech. 
  6.  Observe their hands and body movement.

  1. If you are an observer, PLEASE do not answer for the person being assessed. This does not help at all. 
  2.  If you are being assessed – just relax. This is all normal and the knowledge gained will help YOU, in YOUR studies, communication and relationships.

Dominantly Visual Learners

Visual learners:-
  1. Eyes look up, or into the distance, when accessing information and answers to your questions. 
  2. Often talk fast using visually descriptive words, including colours and visual words – such as – Picture, vision, see, show, look, visualise, seen and saw 
  3.  May ask, “How does this look to you?”
4.    They use landmarks when giving directions. Road names are not as important to them, unless there is a very visible road sign with the name on it, or it is a major and well known road.

5.    They will normally start their directions with a well-known landmark. Eg. “Have you seen the KFC in Church Street?”

Dominantly Auditory Learners
 Audio learners:- 
  1. Glance occasionally to the ear on the non-dominant side, when accessing information and answers to your questions. (I.e. if they are right-handed they look left and vice versa.) 
  2. Talk a lot and like to dominate conversations they use sound words, with strong emphasis on key words. The words used are – Mission, story, heard, hear, listen, speak, say, whisper, understand, tell and ear.
3.    May ask, “How does it sound to you?”, “Can I sound you out, about..?”, “Did you hear about?”

4.    They use road names, traffic lights, circles and T junctions when giving directions. Landmarks are not as important to them, unless it is a national landmark – and even then they will tell you what the sign “says”, on the front of the building. They normally start the directions from where you are parked. Even if you are in another city!

Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners:-
  1. Eyes look towards the ear on the dominant side and to their hands - when accessing information and answers to your questions. (I.e. Right handed people look to their right ear - in addition to their hands.) 
  2.  Often take their time and talk thoughtfully, whilst moving, holding their hands or fiddling. They use emotive words, such as – feel, feeling, felt, sensed, moved, cared and safe.
3.    May ask, “How does this feel to you?”

4.    They often do not like giving directions and when they do they will talk and show, whilst physically showing the journey, using body and hand movements. 

5.    They are happier if they can find somebody else to give directions, or get you to a nearby  place where you can get directions 

6.    In real-life situations - some very kinesthetic people may even jump into your car and take you to your destination!

Dominant combinations

Once we have these signs for the basic learning styles it is important to look for other signs that show the various dominant combinations. 

These are Audio Kinesthetic, Visual Kinesthetic and Audi Visual. The more someone leans towards one of Visual, Audio or Kinesthetic the more dominant that aspect becomes and the less dominant the other aspect will be.

Audio Kinesthetic Learners (Kinesthetic Audio) AK or KA

Audio Kinesthetic learners:-
  1. Glance from left to right - and to their hands, when accessing information and answers to your questions.
2.    Normally only talk a lot when comfortable and can at times take time and be reserved - thoughtful. They use sound and emotive words.

3.    May ask, “How does it sound, or feel, to you?”

4.    They use road names, traffic lights, circles and T junctions and body/ hand movement - when giving directions. 

5.    The more audio - the more talkative they are.
6.    The more kinesthetic – the more reserved and physically expressive they are.

Visual Audio Learners (Audio Visual) AV or VA
Audio Visual learners:-
  1. Eyes look up, into the distance and glance occasionally to the ear on the non-dominant side, when accessing information and finding answers to your questions.
2.    Often talk well with power words using auditory and visually descriptive words, including colours and power words.

3.    May ask, “I just want to sound you out. How does this look to you?”

4.    They use landmarks, road names, traffic lights, circles and T junctions when giving directions. 

5.    They find it easy to learn and communicate.

Visual Kinesthetic Learners (Kinesthetic Visual) VK or KV

Visual Kinesthetic learners:-
  1. Eyes look up, or into the distance and towards the ear on the dominant side and to their, when accessing information and finding answers to your questions.
2.    Sometimes talk fast – when comfortable – and at other times are more reflective and thoughtful. They use emotive and visually descriptive words.
3.    May ask, “Hold this and tell me how looks to you?”
4.    They use landmarks and physical body movement, when giving directions.
5.    The more visual - the more landmarks and openness, to give directions and talk or show.
6.    The more kinesthetic - the more thoughtful and reflective - and the more their body and hands will move.

South Africa.
Mobile: 079 643 4457
Celebrating Humanity International
Communication, Learning, Diversity, Team Building and Team Conflict Resolution Specialists
+27 79 643 4457